Let Megatronic Power Systems design and manage the manufacturing of your Control System cabinets and Low Voltage Motor Control Centre. Our vast experience in this area allows us to design spacious, easy maintenance, motor control centres and control panel cabinets to the highest calibre of engineering.
Safety always comes first with our designs, so that all staff in your plant or factory are fully protected against any electrical hazards during maintenance and normal operations. Our close relationship with our manufacturer means we get quality panels in an efficient time and at a very competitive price which is then passed onto our customers.
The industry has quickly changed to using Smart Relay components to hard-wired overloads and timers for the control of your motors. The smart overloads allow you to read thousands of protection parameters across your network and allow you to closely monitor your motors performance and health. It also allows for parameter change and change of settings from a remote engineering computer.
If your process needs are more accurate and controlled environment we can help you by providing, installing, programming and commissioning any Variable Speed Drive that is fit for purpose. We fine-tune the operation of the VSD's so that your plant is optimised and running as efficiently as possible, lengthening the life of your equipment.
If your process doesn't require the constant accuracy of a VSD controlled motor, but you need a gradual increase in speed at start-up you might choose to use a Soft Start to control your motor.
Our team of experts can provide, install, program and commission your soft start devices.